My 2020

How do I start this after so long?


I had these great ideas last night while I was tossing and turning in bed with how great this would be and now I am just staring at the screen, wondering how to make a great comeback.


Then I remember… I am not here to make a comeback. I am here to do things my way. It may not be the most professional, structured and amazing post, but it will just be me. What I feel like doing. No trimmings, no bells, no whistles.


Last year I started EQ training at a time of my life when everything just seemed chaotic. I was moving but wasn’t sure where I was moving to. The feelings of chaos but you convince yourself that it’s organised chaos or that it’s your chaos. But in actual fact, I was just a mess trying to figure things out. The EQ course is 2 days a month over a few months. It started with self-awareness. I still can’t put it into words but I know what it means to me. And that is perfectly fine.


I then went into the Festive season madness and being in retail, its pure madness. I found myself again on Christmas in church. The song “What a beautiful name” became my song for 2020. God has really blessed me and my family in so many ways. Because of all the chaos I throw myself into, I would never really, truly recognise it. Let’s just say Christmas Service made quite an impact.


Then came new year and the resolutions. I made mine simple. I decided on the word Self-care. No grand plans, no big goals, no bells, no whistles… This year I am working on myself. I am a hot mess. I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a full time employee at a large corporate company, in the retail sector. I am a small business owner. I am so many things because I choose to.


This is my journey and I will live it one piece at a time, on My terms…


“What a beautiful Name it is
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King”